How to Do Your Own Taxes

How to Do Your Own Taxes

It’s tax season again, and if you are an American citizen living abroad, you may be wondering how to do your own taxes now that you live in a foreign country. For example, you might need to report your foreign bank accounts or claim a credit for your foreign income....
Dutch-American Friendship Treaty (DAFT)

Dutch-American Friendship Treaty (DAFT)

The Dutch-American Friendship Treaty is an agreement between the United States and the Netherlands that allows American entrepreneurs to acquire temporary residency and a work permit in the Netherlands for the purpose of starting a business.  The DAFT treaty also...
Tax Tips for US Expats

Tax Tips for US Expats

Living or working abroad does not eliminate your US tax filing requirement As a US Citizen or Green Card holder, you are required to report your worldwide income to the IRS regardless of where you live, unless your GROSS income is under the current year filing...